Friday 15 April 2011

Why I love The Bleeders and Michaela Haze

As you know if you follow my blog and me on twitter...I am a little obsessed with Michaela Hazes novel The Bleeders. If you guys want to read my review check it HERE those are just some of the reasons this book is epic. But I have more.

1. Its set in London, England and to be fair its refreshing to read a book that isnt set in America (love America). Its freshing to actually know the places the characters are going ( I live in London).

2. OH adult content is good. I love YA buts its good to have some Adult too. This isnt to graphic its just right so I would say 16 and over could read it. So all is good in the hood ( I cant believe I said that)

3. Henry Oh Henry the sexy male lead who isnt afraid of taking Fia and doing things only Edward Cullen would dream of XD (Dont hate Twilight fans I love twilight)

4. A girl called Fia who actually has a personality and likes to drink a drink once in awhile and likes to smoke a cigarette I mean come on people IT DOES HAPPEN.

5. Its written by one of the most awesome women in the world ;) who has become a great sweet friend of mine who is going to be my AD (assistant director) in filming something special for a new novel being released in the UK. Shes kind VERY smart a commited person who lied about her age because people wouldnt publish her book because they thought she was to young. Ha to all the people who didnt think she could do it. I wish her all the luck and joys in the world and i hope we stay friends for a LONG time!  Now go buy her book because it will have you weak at the knees :)

Check out Michaelas Twitter, Youtube and buy her book at Amazon NOW!


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