Saturday 23 May 2015

Awesome books that need new homes....

Hello all Hayley here. As you know us lot at Dark Readers are bookworms through and through. As much as I would love to keep all my books it is not always possible. So I thought that I would give you guys the chance to snap up some of my faves that deserve a good home, where these stories can be reread and enjoyed again.

Blue By Lisa Glass - Was one of my favourite reads from last year. Blue Review - If you haven't already devoured this surfing based treat then get on and do so before book two emerges.

Bird By Crystal Chan - Bird Review I attended a Blogger event at Random House and I was so excited for this book that I started it almost instantly. Bird is a book that will stay with you forever more.

SIGNED COPY - This Is Not Forgiveness By Celia Rees. What a read here is my Review

I have no name for the girl that won my copy of Pretty Thing. I have emailed you but if you notice this please check your emails so I can get your book sent over to you.

I hope you all have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend as I type this I am listening to an awesome Tudor based audio book. So if you are interested in any of these fantastic titles tell me what makes you want to read said books.


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