So as I have just recovered from my awesome, surreal, amazing, tiring two days, I wanted to talk about it to you guys and give you the low down! so here it is; Me and Laura
(Sister Spooky)decided to get to the O2 area (where the Premiere was being held) and camp the night. Yes we are crazy BUT when we got there people were already there camping so we had this feeling if we went home and come back we highly doubted we would of got a good spot. So we thought "what the Hell" lets just do it. So it was a cold COLD night but we didn't get any sleep at all but knowing we were going to see the movie and the stars later that night kept our spirits up. Heres Laura from
Sister Spooky being happy LOL

So a lot of people were asking how did you guys see the movie? well basically The Metro Paper were holding a Competition. The first 250 people in the queue for the premiere that have the metro paper that was published that day with the Hunger Games poster showing would get a special wrist band. This wrist band would get you into the VIP pen to meet the stars AND after that walk the red carpet and watch the movie. Now I have never seen so many people running for the metro at the station! it was so funny and a nice girl in the queue was nice enougt to get us Here is the "Golden Ticket" so to say and the wrist bands that were given to 250 of us :)

So through out the day it was a lot of waiting around and shivering. The anticipation was killing us. We drank a lot of hot drinks (thanks to Starbucks for their free coffined day) and we sat and waited and waited and WAITED until we was let into our VIP pen! and it was defiantly VIP. We were near the part where the Cars drive and the celebs get out. This was an awesome View! we were tweeting through out the day just letting other people know what was happening as it happened. We saw some awesome people dressing up as the characters and wearing the mocking Jay pins with pride!

enough with the jibber jabber lets get to the celebrities shall we? so the first one who turned up was none other that Chris Hemsworth aka THOR!!!! Liam Hemsworths brother. Wow He is absolutly HOT! like I kept staring at him. He looked like a fricken god with the golden locks LOL he didnt come over to us unfortunalty he kind of went straight to the paparazzi which was annoying but He wasnt the one I REALLY wanted to see, so we waited,,,and waited... UNTIL a silver car pulled up this Josh Hutcherson walked out... and the screaming went wild I couldnt hear myself think...probably because I was screaming too! HA!

Josh was so nice! I didn't realize how little he was lol but wow what a sweet guy! one of the girls there who made friends with told him he had an amazing jaw and he said thank you in a very awkward way but It was funny. He was getting closer to me and Laura (sister spooky) and we asked for pictures with him as well as signing our books and he was so nice and said yes. As Laura took the picture of me and him I really just wanted to turn my head and lick his cheek LOL yes IM creepy

So next while everyone was screaming for Josh and while he was being pulled from pillar to post me and Laura were waiting patently for the next hotty to arrive and boy did he. Liam Hemsworth stood out of the car was a very sexy suit smiling at the crowd. He took the PR ladies Sharpie and headed straight to us. With His sexy accent he thanked us all and asked how long we had been there! We told him and he said wow and took pictures with us! my Picture was a bit fuzzy but hey its still a picture LOL

Next was Jennifer Lawrence OMG she looked amazing in her gold gown and as soon as she got out the car she smiled and waved straight at the fans in our pen! she took of her coat and I could tell she was freezing! it was so cold that day and we even had jackets on so I couldn't imagine how she felt. But yet she came over to us and signed all out books etc. She didn't take any photos with us because there was LOADS of security around her and she was so cold so I understood why. But she was so nice and smiled for everyone. What a lovely girl indeed.

so after the last cast member who was Elizabeth Banks who plays Effie left, it was now time to go watch the movie. We were let out of our pen and onto the red carpet. It was manic. Liam Hemsworth was still on the carpet as we walked past. People were screaming so loud! I had to hold onto Lauras hand as we walked down. As soon as I went up the escalators I realized then and there that we were about to watch the movie...we got given our tickets and sat down in our seats. We were waiting for the movie to start but them the movies producer came in and we were like "WHAT" then behind her Liam, Josh and Jennifer walked in behind her. The whole place screamed to death. and as they walked in everyone in the cinema stood up and we did the three finger salute. Then the cast did it back to us. It was very emotional as I realized there and then we probably wont have the opportunity to ever do that again and as the cast left the movie started...................

p.s The Movie was so amazing that I cant really put it into words. Jennifer is an amazing Actress and I think she was perfect for Katniss. These movies are about to be even bigger and I am proud to say that I was one of the first 250 people in the world to watch it. and make sure you visit Laura at
Sisterspooky blog and read her version of events :) also check out my Hunger Games Capitol Make-up designs!!
until next time...
Sooo many memories! Gonna post mine either sundaay evening or first thing next week :)
OMGGGG. I AM SO FRICKIN JEALOUS!! You're so LUCKY! You must have had an amazing day. Thanks for this post! And you got to meet JOSH and WATCH THE MOVIE OHHHHHHH!! Did I meantion, I'M SO JEALOUS. LOL. I hope you had a great time :D
OMG! I'm jealous too! you are so lucky!
Awesome write up! Still insanely jealous of the two of you!!
OMG! You are so lucky! And I'm kind of jealous you got to see Chris Hemsworth! o.o He's soooo hot xD
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