Friday 2 September 2011

Book Review: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow By Claudia Carroll

Title: Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
Author: Claudia Carroll
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: 18th August 2011 UK

Summary: What happens when two people decide to give themselves the year off...from each other?
Annie and Dan were the perfect couple. But now the not-so-newly weds feel more like flat mates than soul mates and wonder where all the fun and fireworks went...

When Annie lands her big break in a smash-hit show that's heading for the bright lights of Broadway, she's over the moon. Goodbye remote Irish village, hello fabulous Big Apple! But with their relationship already on the rocks, how will Annie and Dan survive the distance?
They're hitting the pause button on their marriage. One year off from each other- no strings attached- except a date to meet in twelve months at the Rockefeller Centre to decide their fate.
Will they both turn up? Or is it too late for love?

Review: I'm a huge fan of Ireland and everything Irish.
On many occasions I've noticed Claudia Carroll novels and always vowed to read them.

Her titles are always so witty and finally I get my teeth into 'Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow'. I'm blown away by her creativity and general irishness. This novel has made me laugh in many places and also cringe and think god NO.
Having read this I'll definitely read more. I always remember being in Eason's in Dublin and laughing at the title 'Remind Me Again Why I Need A Man' so that'll probably be the next Claudia novel I purchase.

Annie is an instantly loveable, charming witty and normal character.
The novel is generally in her words.The anticipation of a life changing career boost for Annie is exciting and fast paced. Making you the reader feel like it's happening to you.

Annie Cole is given a get out of jail free card when offered a role in a Broadway show. Annie and Dan are the golden couple to everyone around them. But is paradise all it's cracked up to be?I loved Annie's dramatic speech to a tired Dan. With the background of a TV programme of a husband and wife arguing, this was a very creative way of writing this intense scene.

What I truly love about this book is that you start thinking you know what Annie's life will be like and bam another twist or a character turns out to be completely different to how you first imagined them.There is a character that can totally ruin Dan and Annie's relationship but I will leave that for you to figure out.Would you choose the bright lights of NYC over a remote irish village?

Dan and Annie's marriage is a rocky rollercoaster. To be truly in love with your best friend, who you trust with your life is breath-taking and a little unfair to us singletons. This novel is fast paced and exciting and I must say the last few chapters have had me laughing and crying.

Meet me at the moon is one of the most romantic things I've read.
Long distance relationships don't always work but these phone calls between Dan and Annie made me smile. They may be a million miles apart but they're together when looking at the same moon.

Jules, Dan's kid sister is both loveable yet you can see how and why she's annoying. Yet she's an amazing friend and ally to Annie.
Liz, Annie's long-standing friend is a weird one you'll love her and hate her trust me.

If you're a lover of romance and/or Sex And The City then this book is definitely for you.
Although now I'm desperate to get to New York especially as you also get Annie Cole's unofficial tourist guide which is ace.


Midnyte Reader said...

I love anything set in Ireland too. However, I'm not a fan of romance or Sex and the City, but this book still sounds really cute and I liked hearing what you had to say about it.

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