Welcome to the 5th stop on A.M. Robinson's "Vampire Crush" Blog Tour. A.M. Robinson will be giving away three PRIZES to three different people who follow the tour. To enter, all you have to do is visit every Blog (Mine being the fifth) copy the secret code and follow A.M. Robinson on Facebook and Twitter. At the end of the tour, your final stop will be Good Choice Reading where they will have a form for you to fill out and submit everything you have collected. It is not a requirement to follow my blog, but we would really appreciate it if you did. Each blog participating in the tour will have a secret saying at the bottom of their post. Visit each blog for the next ten days to collect all the sayings and then make sure to check back at Good Choice Reading on March 18th for the final stop in the tour and to fill out the FORM to enter to win one of the follow prizes:
+++Signed HARDCOVER copy of Vampire Crush
+++A pair of whale-dotted pajama pants, a la Sophie.
+++Bat-shaped cookie cutter
+++Cute vampire monster mirror
+++"Vampire Blood" hand gel.
+++Signed paperback copy of Vampire Crush
+++"Vampire Blood" hand gel
That is a total of THREE WINNERS!!! This giveaway will be open INTERNATIONAL! All you have to do is collect all the secret sayings and follow A.M. Robinson onTwitterorFacebook
Here are the blogs participating in the tour:
March 8th: With a Book! Guest Post/Giveaway
March 9th: Once Upon A Twilight Guest Post/Giveaway
March 10th: A Simple love of Reading Guest Post/Giveaway
March 11th: 365 Days of Reading Guest Post/Giveaway
March 12th: Skyla11377 Reviews Guest Post/Giveaway
March 13th: Without a Bookshelf Guest Post/Giveaway
March 14th: Dark Readers Guest Post/Giveaway
March 15th: IB Book Blogging Guest Post/Giveaway
March 16th: Another Book Junkie! Guest Post/Giveaway
March 17th: Read for your Future Guest Post/Giveaway
March 18th: Good Choice Reading Guest Post/Giveaway
A.M Robinson has dropped by and has given us her Top 4 funny movies. Don't forget at the bottom of this post you will find my secret code word for this days blog stop!
Top Four Funny Movies
In honor of funny things--of which I hope Vampire Crush is one--I wanted to write a little about the four movies that always make me laugh, no matter how many times I’ve seen them or what mood I happen to be in.
Bringing Up Baby (1938)

Cary Grant as a befuddled paleontologist, Katherine Hepburn as a slightly off-kilter heiress, and an escaped jaguar combine to make one of the most delightfully zany movies I have ever seen. Apart from a few Gee-Willickers language quirks, the comedy feels surprisingly modern; Howard Hawks’s films could be the predecessor to Gilmore Girls, specifically the rapid-fire dialogue and jokes that are so quick and occasionally complex that they often lead to “Hahaha . . .wait,” and then a re-watch. But my favorite thing? Is that Katharine Hepburn manages to play Susan in a way that is both incredibly charming and certifiably bonkers. This is a romantic comedy that boldly says, “Hey, crazy person! There’s someone out there for you, too
Favorite Quotes:
David: Susan, you can’t climb in a man’s bedroom window!
David: Susan, you can’t climb in a man’s bedroom window!
Susan: I know! It’s on the second floor!
[Susan is stealing David's car from the golf course]
Susan: Now, don't lose your temper.
David: My dear young lady, I'm not losing my temper. I'm merely trying to play some golf!
Susan: You choose the funniest places; this is a parking lot.
[Susan is stealing David's car from the golf course]
Susan: Now, don't lose your temper.
David: My dear young lady, I'm not losing my temper. I'm merely trying to play some golf!
Susan: You choose the funniest places; this is a parking lot.
Can’t Hardly Wait (1998)

Last year I made a friend watch Can’t Hardly Wait. I was hoping she would see why I kept saying that it’s the best yet most unappreciated of high school comedies; she was hoping that I would stop talking about it. Afterwards, she made the very astute observation that, in many ways, Vampire Crush is kindasortof Can’t Hardly Wait with vampires. You’ve got the childhood friends who are forced to remember their own history when circumstances smoosh them back together; you’ve got evil popular dude who gets his kicks from being publicly mean to his girlfriend; and you’ve got a goofy cast of supporting characters, including some delightful nerds. This was not my intention, but I am totally okay with this. If it’s still not entirely your thing, it’s worth watching just for the surprising cameos, like Jason Segel as stoner dude with a crush on Velma from Scooby-Doo.
Favourite quotes;
[holding up a card] William: I downloaded this little baby off the Net. I will know exactly how many spirits I may imbibe without affecting my judgment or my behavior.
X-Phile 1: You have every angle covered.
X-Phile 2: You know William, from this light, you somewhat resemble David Duchovny.
The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)
Here’s a confession I’ve never made to anyone who is not standing directly in front my shelf of DVDs: I own a copy of Kronk’s New Groove, the direct-to-video sequel to The Emperor’s New Groove! Whew--it’s a relief to have that off my chest. Kronk is my favorite character from Emperor’s New Groove, the incredibly wacky Disney movie that makes fun of itself as much as it does anything else.
Favorite Quote:
Kronk’s Shoulder Devil: Listen up, big guy. I got three good reasons why you should just walk away. Number one. Look at that guy! He's got that sissy stringy music thing.
Kronk’s Shoulder Angel: We've been through this. It's a harp, and you know it.
Kronk’s Shoulder Devil: Oh, right. That's a harp, and that's a dress.
Kronk’s Shoulder Angel: Robe!
Kronk’s Shoulder Devil: Reason number two. Look what I can do. Ha-ha, ha!
[does one-armed handstand]
Kronk: But what does that have to do with any-
Kronk’s Shoulder Angel: No, no. He's got a point.
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
If I have to choose a favorite movie, I inevitably choose Shaun of the Dead. It’s incredibly funny (if a little salty) and manages to work as both a straightforward zombie movie AND a movie that pokes fun at zombie movies. There are so many buried jokes that I find a new one every time I watch, and I am endlessly amazed by how easily it jumps between genre satire and serious moments. While Can’t Hardly Wait with vampires may be what I actually ended up writing, a Shaun of the Dead for teen vampire romance is what I set out to write.
Favorite Quotes:
Shaun: As Bertrand Russell once said, "The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation." I think we can all appreciate the relevance of that now.
Liz: Was that on a beer mat?
Shaun: Yeah, it was Guinness Extra Cold.
Liz: I won't say anything.
Shaun: Thanks.
Here is the secret code: "Still Feel"
Make sure you head over to Baileys Book Reviews for the next stop of the blog tour AND to get the next part of the secret saying.
Great post and yet another entertaining stop along the tour! Thanks for participating!
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